Friday 6 April 2018

Rebranding your Web Design: Can it help Your Business Grow?

Are You Thinking of Rebranding Your Company’s Web Design?

business, website, web design, rebranding, website design services, Graphic Design, Website Design

In an online world where the competition can be fierce, a company’s brand is essential. A brand is much more than that which differentiates you from the competition. Often, customers make buying decisions on the way your website appears. So when the question arises of rebranding your website there are many factors to consider.

Ensure Business Growth through a Strong Brand

Did you know that as much as 90% of visitors to your website will stay or leave based on its appearance? With literally thousands of different sites on offer, internet users will in general not remain on a site they do not find appealing. The functionality of a web design also plays an important role in whether you get that customer to stay long enough to sign up for your special offers.
With that being said, a strong brand represents recognition among your customers – as well as newcomers to your site. The objective is to keep them coming back for more and be their preferred and trusted source of business (whatever that is, be the best at it!). This will help your business grow, and more importantly, assist in keeping your business consistent over time. This is a major consideration for the rebranding of your web design, whether you are considering a small change or a major overhaul. Let the objective always be to strengthen your brand's identity. You need to also consider keeping your brand consistent across all the different digital mediums. This means that your company website, social media pages, as well as other advertising looks consistent. If this means that you need to rethink your logo, then do so. Ultimately you need to invest in a visual identity that can grow as you grow.

business, website, web design, rebranding, website design services, Graphic Design, Website Design

How Responsive is your Company’s Website?

As mentioned earlier, rebranding considerations also include thinking about the functionality of your website. Consumers like to visit sites that are easy to use and navigate. More so today as more than 50% of all your potential clients are using their mobile phones to view and buy your offerings online. Does your website look as good on a mobile phone and tablet as it does on a computer screen? And if so, do you have the right call-to-actions in place to lead your audience to subscribe, buy, enroll and or consume what it is you are offering?

Keeping up with Google and SEO

Another very good reason for making a shift toward rebranding your website is the important role of SEO. Google is constantly improving the methods by which consumers search the internet. SEO (search engine optimization) is the method by which Google will search and list your website among other relevant websites on the internet. To have a good chance of listing near the top of Google results, it is worth investing in the various methodologies of inserting keywords and key phrases in the content of your web pages. The content of your website is just as important as its visual appeal, and together they should make the coherent whole.

In Conclusion

The opportunity to rebrand your website is one that surely does not come along every day. And neither is the important decision to do so, one to take lightly. Above are but a few suggestions as to why such considerations are made. With Zapro Digital’s website design services we can offer you many ways to rebrand your business for the better. You can also read further web design advice on How to Design a Website? Web Design Concepts, Trends and First Steps. We would like to conclude that a new fresh design has the potential to uplift your visual identity and draw a new demographic. And having a brand that stands out, is trustworthy and stays current is a great way to improve your image, generate better sales and grow your business.

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