Wednesday 12 December 2018

The Internet of Things Applications: Innovation Meets Technology

December 12, 2018 0

When we say the world is getting smarter, what we actually mean is that the world is getting better connected. Isn’t it rather wonderful that you can connect your mobile phone to your toaster and your fridge and your watch? Or better yet, you can use your mobile phone to manage a wide range of home IoT devices that includes smart switches, cameras, lights, air purifiers, heaters, slow cookers, security cams and more. You can now turn on the lights before you get home, manage your indoor air quality and temperatures as well as see who is in and around your home from your mobile phone. And if that is not enough, why not get yourself a personalised Alexathat will be happy to connect a myriad of devices, apps and functionalities that makes life technologically wonderful? We call it the internet of things.

What is the Internet of Things and Its Application?

The internet of things (also known as IoT), can be described as a global network of physical devices interconnected via the internet. Largely regarded as automation built for everyone, IoT devices take on many forms, from the Smart TV in your home, to commercial security systems, to large scale smart city technologies such as traffic monitoring. What we have found interesting, is that IoT involves internet connectivity that extends beyond standard computerised devices such as desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets. The application of IoT essentially enables any device that is embedded with this technology to connect and share information to cloud-based applications, each other and of course - us. Thus, making this world – our world – digitised with unlimited possibilities.

What is the Impact of The Internet of Things on Business Today?

Many forward-thinking businesses have caught on to this wave of connectivity and are creating innovative IT solutions. Worldwide we are seeing the application of the internet of things technologies moving towards connected cars, connected wearables, smart cities and even connected healthcare. Some are anticipating fully connected lives for the future and Garter estimates that we will  reach 20.4 billion connected things by 2020. In fact, this technology is set to impact our lives so much that it is said consumers will spend as much as 1.5 trillion dollars by the year 2020 with businesses not far behind at a projected at 1.4 billion.

And, whilst consumers buy more devices, businesses are seeing the value of investing in cross-industry devices, for example; those targeted at smart buildings. The applications of such technologies used in business can include Smart LED lighting, HVAC and physical security systems, manufacturing field devices, process sensors for electrical generating plants and real-time location devices for healthcare.

Real World Internet of Things Examples

As indicated above, sensors that monitor lighting, heating, cooling etc. can significantly reduce the cost of energy usage for manufacturing plants, office building and even in our homes.
Sensors that monitor manufacturing equipment can detect possible faults, leakages or malfunctions to keep production steady and help us prevent accidents.
In agriculture the internet of things applications can assist farmers in managing the growth cycles of their crops. IoT devices can be used to measure the quality of various elements such as climate control and irrigation in greenhouses and quadrophonic schemes.
In the transport industry fleet management is made efficient by the tracking of vehicles, people as well as resource consumptions such as fuel and oil.
In the retail industry SKU tags assist in the management of products life cycles. Store owners can track and retain stock levels in real time. 
Information and technology can be applied in numerous ways to improve health and care. In the health industry patient surveillance can be life-saving. Monitoring devices can also assist in elderly care for example; where someone falls down or when they begin to experience a heart attack so that emergency care can be sent immediately.
Law Enforcement can possibly use tracking tools to detect when a crime has occurred and respond much faster. And surveillance cameras assist greatly in bringing perpetrators to justice, thus keeping citizens safe. 

Why do we need IoT?

The ideology of the internet of things is not only set to make our lives easier, but is also oriented on economic growth through efficiency. As a business automation solutions company UK, we k now that IoT is making our homes smarter, driving business effectiveness and improving the overall quality of almost everything in our daily lives. Wearable biometric sensors have become commonplace, helping individuals measure anything from their heart rates to insulin levels. Busses and trains use sensors to track scheduling, notifying you exactly when they will arrive and depart. Are we becoming so integrated with technology that we are taking it for granted? It is called the internet of things everybody, and it is only getting started. As Barak Obama said: “We did not come to fear the future. We came here to shape it.” Contact us today to find out how we can assist your business with innovative IT solutions.

Thursday 6 December 2018

Increase Mobile App Engagement and User Retention in 5 Steps

December 06, 2018 0

The first and foremost thing you should think about before you launch an app is customer engagement. In the fast-paced world that we live in, mobile app downloads rose to a staggering 178.1 billion in 2017. With over 2.1 million apps available in the App Stores as we speak, users are spoilt for choice and have therefor matured in their app expectations. In fact, some report that as much as 80% of users tend to abandon an app less than 3 days after downloading it. This creates a situation where customer expectations are at an all-time high, contrasted by low retention rates. So, the question really is what can be done to raise retention rates and increase the longevity of your mobile app engagement metrics?

What Does Mobile App Engagement and User Retention Really Mean?

Have you ever wondered why only certain apps seem to receive lots of attention whilst others drop off the map rather quickly? That is because the successful ones have a lot more mobile app engagement. This is what keeps consumers coming back for more. High user retention rates also mean that you need to keep your customers interested in your mobile app so they may associate with it on a regular basis. After acquiring users, the value is in engaging and retaining your customers. While some have opted for using push notifications, other have stuck with traditional marketing tools such as email marketing. But what are the best methods? Let us look a little bit closer.

Engagement – by definition is an arrangement made to do something at a particular time. Mobile app engagement denotes to how active users are on said mobile application. According to Localytics, highly engaged users have more than ten sessions per month on any given mobile app.

Retention - refers to the percentage of an app’s users who return to the app within a specified period of time of their first session. An average estimate that serves as a benchmark of good user retention is a user that returns to the app at least once within every thirty days. It is important to note however that every brand will have their own definition based on the nature of their app.

Setting Your App Up for Better Engagement & Retention Rates.

It is decided. Increasing engagement and retention will lead to users behaving loyal and remaining active in your mobile app. The following tried and tested methods will help you get those mobile app engagement and user retention rates right up.

1. Sell Your App with Excellence

Imagine yourself as the user. Quite typically you will evaluate an app in the app store before deciding if it is worthy of a download. In much the same way you need to add smart and persuasive content in the app store that does more than just describe the features of your app.
Here are a few methods to highlight when listing your app with the App Store, Google Play or Amazon Appstore.

Users are looking for the benefit the app provides, so be sure to describe how your app solves problems people experience on a daily basis. 
Demonstrate the long-term value of your app such as personal and business growth over time.
Both the Google Play Store and App Store have updated algorithms that take into account user engagement as well as app downloads. This means than a more engaged app will get better ratings. This is definitely a benefit you want your users to be aware of.

2. Make it Easy to Sign Up

Removing barriers is one of the oldest tricks in the book when it comes to gaining new customers. In the digital arena this is no different. Many a user has abandoned an app because of complex sign up procedures, too many information fields etc. Lead your customers through a smooth signing up process.  The following steps can help you create an intuitive, frictionless app onboarding process.
Offer multiple sign-up options, for example using a Google or social media account (if possible). The idea is to make it as easy as possible for new members to get on board.
Use actions that are clear and easy to understand to guide and educate user’s during the signup process. 
Provide constant feedback and try not to overwhelm users with too much information at any one time (especially on mobile). 
Break the onboarding process into smaller steps and offer user guidance as users get to the steps. Communicate during the process to make it fast and flawless. That’s what people appreciate the most. 

3.       Use Push Notifications (The Right Way)

Even though push notifications have shown effective in retaining user attention, they have also proven a deterring factor when overused. We support the Single Grain’s Guide to Mobile App Advertising in where they ascertain that push notifications - if used correctly - can capture a user’s attention at just the right moment. The smart method of using push notifications is to remind an individual to use your app at a given moment. Sort of like a gentle reminder, instead of pop-ups that annoy and have the opposite effect.

4.       Personalise the Mobile Experience

Arguably one of the most important aspects of a compelling application, personalisation helps in providing a unique and relevant experience to its users. Apps no longer deliver uniform experiences. The more aligned a mobile app’s experience is with a user’s needs and preferences, the more likely they are to continue to use your mobile application. Here’s how:

Personalize the user experience by using known data to display relevant content and material in the app. For example; including the user’s name on screens and in messaging.
Customized content and tailored insights deliver real value to the user. Deliver them expertly with tailored push notifications. For example; a product promotion that is relevant (based on buying behaviours or wish lists).

5.       Offer Something in Return

Another effective method to increase mobile app engagement and drive retention is to offer incentives to your loyal customers. Mobile-specific rewards such as special promotions, coupons or special content access can also help drive conversions. Measuring mobile app analytics can assist you gain insight into the areas of your mobile app to incentivise. And as said before, be sure to make it personal.

Closing Thoughts: Value and Quality Above All Else

Without a doubt if you have a quality mobile app that offers value then you are already halfway there. It is important to launch your app as flawless as possible in the app store right from the start. Add to that a diligent quality assurance process in order to remain in the top ranks for longer and in the minds and hands of the public.

We would also like to remind you that every app is unique and must be adjusted to suit the user experience. Before you adopt any of these tactics, first assess what is the right choice for your app in particular.

As providers of some of the top Mobile Application Development Services UK, we can assist you in assessing improvements to your mobile application to increase mobile app engagement and user retention. Bear in mind that the goal must not just be to get as many downloads as possible. App engagement and user retention is equally essential for business growth.
→ Contact us today to continue this conversation with your mobile app in mind.

Monday 3 December 2018

5 Steps to A Successful New Website Launch

December 03, 2018 0

In this digital age, a website is essential for any business to not only survive but also thrive among stiff competition. With mobile internet use at an all-time high, consumers are used to accessing and using information on the go. Thus, making it more important than ever to follow the steps set out to a successful new website launch. Here are a few reasons why your business cannot afford to be without a website:

  • A website is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your products and services to potential customers 24 hours a day 7 days of the week.
  • You’ll show up in a Google search. In fact as much as 80% of all consumers will research a company's website and view products online before purchasing them. Having a website extends your reach to customers anywhere in the world.
  • Make a name for yourself. Your brand is more visible online and can be easily recognised as you create a website as well as other social media pages.
  • Look professional. Many website service providers offer email services as part of their domain services. This means you will be communicating as instead of Let your customers know you are serious about business.

What are New Website Launch Success Factors?

Considered one of the most powerful marketing tools available, having a well designed website can really help in achieving a remarkable presence on the internet. Combined with other digital marketing tools such as social media and local citations, it is easier now than ever to reach your targeted audience. Hiring a professional web development company UK can ensure that you get an amazing website design and developed according to your business’ specific needs. Follow these important steps to ensure your new website launch is a stunning success.

Step 1. Know the Website Design and Development Process

The process of developing a website involves a few important questions prior to its creation. When you are considering creating a website, be sure to answer a few of the following questions:

  • New or website relaunch? If this is a brand-new project then a clean drawing board brings exciting opportunities for creative innovation. An existing website that needs a facelift can most definitely be redefined - but mostly within the same parameters. For instance, if your website exists in WordPress already, then it would be a matter of keeping it there, perhaps with a new template and improved SEO and content.
  • How complex is your website design considerations? Many website creation tools and software on the web offer a variety of ready-made templates that can be modified to create your company’s unique look and feel. Adapting to these templates requires skill, however. Do you have the graphic design expertise for your new website launch?
  • Time and cost? Of course, you want your website as fast as possible at the most optimal investment. The complexity as well as scale of your website will determine the creation time and project cost. The more features you add (like ecommerce for example), the more time and expense will be required for project completion.
  • Scalability and responsiveness. Will your website be scalable enough? In this case you need to plan. Will you be able to add and grow your website as your business grows into the future? You may, for example decide at a later stage to add an online store. As almost all your potential consumers will most likely be accessing your website via a mobile phone, is it responsive enough to look as great on a mobile phone as it does on a desktop computer?

Step 2: Tell Your Story with Strategic Content 

For content to be successful it needs to be targeted at the right audience. Google can help you find out what your audience needs, what they are interested in and which social media channels they prefer. In addition, it is essential to create content that is in alignment with your organisational goals. In other words, what is the purpose of the content and how does it draw consumers to your website? Goals must include: boosting brand awareness, generate leads and of course to improve that all important bottom line.

Recommended reading: What is Content Role in Marketing and Advertising?

Step 3: Add Masterful SEO and Your Website will be Found

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an absolute must for any business that wishes to be taken seriously on the internet. Many SEO tricks can be built into your website by the SEO experts →Contact us to find out how our SEO team can be of assistance. An example of this would be the meta data and description (essential for Google search bots) that accompanies every page of your website. Other types of on-page SEO techniques can include targeting specific keywords and key-phrases, listing your website on local directories, and optimising images. 

Step 4: Promote, Promote, Promote

Making everyone aware that your website exists is what the story is all about. Promote your new website launch (or relaunch if applicable) in every way possible. Social media is - and remains a great way to communicate a message directly to your audience. You can even offer special “launching” deals to your consumers as an incentive. Think of other methods of online marketing is at your disposal to engage with potentially new customers. Email campaigns for example will work famously in encouraging people to visit your website. Lastly invest time and great content into a blog that accompanies your website. This will ensure enhanced visibility and reach; by increasing your chances of getting found.

Step 5: New Website Launch and Post Launch Actions

With the appropriate preparation and marketing in place your website can finally go live. Together with the excitement of seeing all your hard work in action, it is also essential to remember that you test your website on multiple devices to ensure it looks great 100% of the time. Additionally, once your website is live, ask for feedback from your visitors to find out what aspects are good and what can be improved upon. It is also a good idea to invest in Google Analytics, so you may gather enough information on the performance of your website overall and where SEO improvements can be optimised.

So, what’s next?

Remember that launching your website is just the beginning of a fantastic journey. At Zapro Digital we pride ourselves in creating bespoke websites that fills every inch of its virtual home with a successful website launch. With a Zapro partner, you can be sure of an optimised online presence that is constantly monitored and improved upon so that your website stays at the top of the Google pile. Feel free to browse our portfolio, our team of expert designers, SEO specialists and website developers are standing by to create a website for your business that stands apart from the rest.

Thursday 22 November 2018

Different Types of Digital Marketing: How to Use Email to Generate Leads

November 22, 2018 0

How Can You Use Email to Generate Leads for Your Digital Marketing Efforts?

Digital marketing is vital to any startup or small business and lead generation is without a doubt the first step towards achieving business growth. And email can be a useful tool to generate those elusive leads at a relatively low cost.  We are all used to receiving these digital marketing emails in our inbox, right? It is estimated (and proven) that the majority of consumers who receive your email will only skim the contents and file it away somewhere. However, getting people to read your email is not that easy. We all know those marketing emails we receive on a daily basis. Ask yourself how many of them do you actually read? Is it then not true that poorly crafted emails just land in the trash? Worse yet, people unsubscribe and you lose touch with them forever.  So how do you reach your target audience and get them to read your carefully constructed sales pitch? Not only that, but how do you monetize on the efforts of your marketing team?

We bring you a few tools you should have in your email marketing campaign arsenal. Call them requirements if you will.

The Importance of Your Brand

It is best to create an email marketing design template and stick to it. Templates fall in perfectly amongst the different kinds of digital marketing.  Your template should right away show your brand and what it is you do; or provide. We want it to scream ‘look at me’. An effective template is one that has a company’s logo on, contact details and perhaps the slogan encouraging customers to act fast. Be quirky, be different. No one has time to read a paragraph of marketing material just to find out what your business is all about. They should immediately have a full understanding of your product or service as soon as they see the email.

And remember to stick to your winning template. If it generates leads and it works then don’t change it. People honestly get more familiar with your brand through seeing your template regularly. It helps to build trust.

Craft a Message that Adds Value

What good is an email that looks fancy but has no actual message to it? If you’ve been following the Zapro Digital blog then by now you’ll know the importance of quality content. Before sending the email out to prospects, first read it yourself. Think deeply, if you were a customer, would you consider engaging in a business transaction? There are two factors to remember when crafting your message.
  • Focus on making your message interesting and newsworthy. It also helps if people find your message as helpful.
  • Stay away from sales slang! Avoid words like ‘special’ and ‘free’. Rather use compelling subject lines.

Underwrite your Content with Social Media Call to Actions

Marketers who put a lot of attention into an email campaign are also most likely to focus on social media as a form of promoting. Amongst the different types of digital marketing, social media in an integral ingredient in every marketing strategy. The sole reason is due to trend and popularity. The majority of people in this world is using social media on a full-time basis. Add Call to Actions (CAL’s) to your content such as follow us on Facebook. Or read our Instagram Stories. Here are the reasons why it matters:
  • Social media it helps you to also identify your target market. Aiming for the right audience can improve on email marketing success factors.
  • Another benefit is the costs it will save the company. Social media marketing campaigns cost only a fraction of any other campaigns out there.

Offer your Readers Something in Return

One way to improve customer engagement is by offering potential clients a type of gift. This is basically to strengthen the relationship and to say thank you for the time they spent reading your material. An example of this would be a blog subscription. Every time a customer subscribes to your blog they will receive a free e-book. 

Accordingly, make your potential customers feel worthy by saying thank you. As a result, you have them exactly where you want them. On your website. The more time they spend there, the more qualified they may become to make a purchasing decision.

The Final Thought

Knowing more about the different kinds of digital marketing methods out there, you’ll start to understand how you can incorporate them into your marketing strategy. Various organizations choose to rather employ a professional Digital Marketing Company UK as it will guarantee to lead to increase sales. All the digital marketing tools available we’ll use towards you achieving business growth.

Wednesday 14 November 2018

How can you Create a Fantastic User Experience through Web Design

November 14, 2018 0

What are the Main Differences between Web Design and User Experience Design?

Web design is directly linked to how a website looks, it is the visual appearance. Think of it as the cover of a story book - Web design attracts viewers’ attention whereas User interface design defines how a user will interact with the many features and buttons on a website. Let us start this discussion by exploring the how to create a user experience (user interface development process) and then later link it to the web design process to discover the synchronicity between the two. 

The user interface development process is where the physical interaction of people with your website is designed and created. There are multiple steps in order to master the user interface creation process. However, every development agency has their own unique methodologies, languages and frameworks. 

What are the Steps to Create a Perfect User Experience?

As a result of this, the steps might differ from time to time.  The three most familiar steps that you will find in any web-design and user interface design guide are as follow:

• Creating the site map: Defining the multiple pages of a website is usually the first step in the design process. Followed by the creation of the navigation structure so that your customers know where to find the most important information quickly and easily.

• Placement of key information and actions: The next step would be the placement of items on pages that are easy to understand and access. In many cases action buttons are used to prompt customers to the next step in the process. For example, Buy Now; Checkout, or Contact Us. 

• Testing and final implementation: The last step before your website goes live involves clicking, browsing, and using every feature in the purpose of finding errors. Be sure that testing is always done on mobile and several different devices to make sure your website is as accessible as possible.

All of these steps are mandatory for creating the perfect user experience. Other important aspects of this process involves the content of course – without content and important SEO factors no website will be marketable.

Excellent User Experience Success Factors.

We’ve established that is essential to have an amazing user experience to keep customers coming back for more. In addition; here are a few tips to keep in mind following the latest user experience trends.

• Simplicity is Key: A plain and easy to use website is far more effective than one with countless buttons and options. Implement various menu structures to maintain an easy navigational model.

• Add essential information: Put the information you wish your customers to receive in the right places. For example: by adding a visible Q&A section, consumers know where to find answers to their questions.

• Add call to actions: These are ways in which you can shorten the buyer’s journey and lead them straight to purchasing your product or service. Do follow up with continuous communications until the process is complete.

• Content is king: Many websites contain Blogs which feature articles with tips and tricks and industry news. This is a great way for you to attract potential consumers to your website. Invest in content that is creative as well as informative to inspire a loyal following.

Web Design Components: What about the Graphics?

As you may have guessed the visual part of your website should not be neglected. The current trend is to keep websites as simple as possible with relatively clean backgrounds contrasted by vivid colours. Whatever your design inspiration, the objective would be to create a marriage between the functionality of your website and the visual appeal. Here are a few take away’s for good graphic design practices that are easy to implement and look great.

•Focus on your brand: keep the logo of your company and brand front and centre. Consumers tend to stay loyal to brands they recognise and like. Be sure that your branding on your website stays consistent with all other mediums; for example company brochures and social media pages.

•Implement a consistent theme: themes allow for all the pages in a website to look great together. It will also make adding and formatting new content fast and easy.

•Use high quality images: do invest in stock photography and original design as much as possible. High quality visuals reflect the quality of your brand. Steer clear of duplicating other and try to be as unique as possible. It will stand apart from your competition guaranteed.

•File size matters: be sure to design graphics, images, art etc. to the right specs. This means that file sizes must remain low to ensure that your website loads fast and displays effectively on a mobile phone.

User Experience and Web Design Go Together like Toast and Jam.

In final conclusion, it is easy to see that the one cannot function optimally without the other. Even if you do not like toast and jam, the toast provides the vehicle for the jam to be appreciated. Toast being the user interface design of course in this example. In the same way, the graphic design of a website would be the jam that makes it wonderful to taste and come back for more. 

As experienced UI / UX designers we at Zapro Digital can appreciate the valuable impact a proper user experience design can have on a website. We would even go so far as to state that no website should go live without it. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you make your website user friendly and appealing at the same time. We offer exceptional website design and development services and graphic design solutions; as is evident in our online portfolio.


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