Thursday 22 November 2018

Different Types of Digital Marketing: How to Use Email to Generate Leads

How Can You Use Email to Generate Leads for Your Digital Marketing Efforts?

Digital marketing is vital to any startup or small business and lead generation is without a doubt the first step towards achieving business growth. And email can be a useful tool to generate those elusive leads at a relatively low cost.  We are all used to receiving these digital marketing emails in our inbox, right? It is estimated (and proven) that the majority of consumers who receive your email will only skim the contents and file it away somewhere. However, getting people to read your email is not that easy. We all know those marketing emails we receive on a daily basis. Ask yourself how many of them do you actually read? Is it then not true that poorly crafted emails just land in the trash? Worse yet, people unsubscribe and you lose touch with them forever.  So how do you reach your target audience and get them to read your carefully constructed sales pitch? Not only that, but how do you monetize on the efforts of your marketing team?

We bring you a few tools you should have in your email marketing campaign arsenal. Call them requirements if you will.

The Importance of Your Brand

It is best to create an email marketing design template and stick to it. Templates fall in perfectly amongst the different kinds of digital marketing.  Your template should right away show your brand and what it is you do; or provide. We want it to scream ‘look at me’. An effective template is one that has a company’s logo on, contact details and perhaps the slogan encouraging customers to act fast. Be quirky, be different. No one has time to read a paragraph of marketing material just to find out what your business is all about. They should immediately have a full understanding of your product or service as soon as they see the email.

And remember to stick to your winning template. If it generates leads and it works then don’t change it. People honestly get more familiar with your brand through seeing your template regularly. It helps to build trust.

Craft a Message that Adds Value

What good is an email that looks fancy but has no actual message to it? If you’ve been following the Zapro Digital blog then by now you’ll know the importance of quality content. Before sending the email out to prospects, first read it yourself. Think deeply, if you were a customer, would you consider engaging in a business transaction? There are two factors to remember when crafting your message.
  • Focus on making your message interesting and newsworthy. It also helps if people find your message as helpful.
  • Stay away from sales slang! Avoid words like ‘special’ and ‘free’. Rather use compelling subject lines.

Underwrite your Content with Social Media Call to Actions

Marketers who put a lot of attention into an email campaign are also most likely to focus on social media as a form of promoting. Amongst the different types of digital marketing, social media in an integral ingredient in every marketing strategy. The sole reason is due to trend and popularity. The majority of people in this world is using social media on a full-time basis. Add Call to Actions (CAL’s) to your content such as follow us on Facebook. Or read our Instagram Stories. Here are the reasons why it matters:
  • Social media it helps you to also identify your target market. Aiming for the right audience can improve on email marketing success factors.
  • Another benefit is the costs it will save the company. Social media marketing campaigns cost only a fraction of any other campaigns out there.

Offer your Readers Something in Return

One way to improve customer engagement is by offering potential clients a type of gift. This is basically to strengthen the relationship and to say thank you for the time they spent reading your material. An example of this would be a blog subscription. Every time a customer subscribes to your blog they will receive a free e-book. 

Accordingly, make your potential customers feel worthy by saying thank you. As a result, you have them exactly where you want them. On your website. The more time they spend there, the more qualified they may become to make a purchasing decision.

The Final Thought

Knowing more about the different kinds of digital marketing methods out there, you’ll start to understand how you can incorporate them into your marketing strategy. Various organizations choose to rather employ a professional Digital Marketing Company UK as it will guarantee to lead to increase sales. All the digital marketing tools available we’ll use towards you achieving business growth.

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